Mark Down Define Jackets & Precision Jackets & In Flux Crops & Harmony Hoodie at Lenox Mall in Atlanta!
Super quick post for you guys. I was at the Lululemon store today at the Lenox Mall and they had Define Jackets on markdown for $84? They still had a lot of sizes left. Double check the prices but it was definitely in the $80s range. All the Define Jackets & In Flux Crops on mark down. The In flux Crops were on sale for $79. Also a lot of sizes but no size 2. Define Jackets on sale. They also had Precision Jackets on sale. The purple one I'm wearing here was $74!!! The black one was $84. Not sure why there's a price difference. Precision Jacket size 4 Precision Jacket Size 4 The black one looked like a blazer. Totally cute! $84. Precision Jacket in black Size 4 Oh and they also had the Harmony Hoodie marked down to $89! I'm so annoyed I bought that at full price! Oh well. Hope you guys score something for yourselves!