My alarm went off at 6am this morning so I could get ready to go to the Boston warehouse sale. I arrived around 7:20am and the line was already a few hundred people deep. Just makes me wonder if people camped out at midnight! The sale started on time and I was able to get in around 8:20 am which wasn't bad. My initial reaction to the sale was a bit of disappointment to be honest. I'll admit that this was my first warehouse sale so I wasn't sure what to expect. The racks of clothing were categorized by either tops or bottoms and then by size which made things so easy. I did not see too much outerwear in general. Definitely no Scubas or Define jackets. I saw one down jacket in a size 2 but it was gone by the time I doubled back to look at it again. I hoped to see some running crops, but instead there were tons of In the Flow Crops. I picked up a pair in the bordeaux and gray. I didn't bother to try anything on as I pretty much knew what size I am in botto