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Showing posts with the label bark berry

Bark Berry Scuba III

On my way to the local Lululemon store I stopped to take a picture of this.  Brighton is really pretty. The store did have the new bark berry & deep camo Scuba Hoodie III.  I tried them both on and decided the bark berry looked prettier and was more flattering on me.  I took home my usual size 2 in this.  Both colors are super soft.  I think I would get the deep camo if it made it to WMTM, but it will probably sell out. LuluAddict has some great photos of the bark berry Scuba here . The color is hard to capture accurately in photos, however I will say the Lululemon website has it right.  It is a gorgeous pink and I especially love the rose gold zipper.  It's a nice added touch of luxury. The store didn't have the new swiftly in heathered desert teal, so I placed an order when I got home. I also bought the Fluffing Awesome jacket I've been eyeing in the camo.  It was already sold out of the smaller sizes when I checked...


Pretty excited by today's upload.  My top picks are the two new colors in the Scuba Hoodie III.  Heathered Bark Berry is my favorite and I will probably pick that up.  The heathered deep Camo is a very close second.  I don't own anything dark green. I'll probably also get the heathered desert teal in the swiftly unless it is too similar to heathered blue denim.  I'll bring my blue denim to compare when I go to the store tomorrow.  Last week when I compared my poseidon crb to the new heathered dark navy crb I decided they were too similar to own both and I actually preferred poseidon.  I'm hoping for the same outcome in the swiftly tanks. I also really like these Base Runner Pants but I don't think they're worth $108.  If they were $88 I might've considered buying them so I hope they end up on WMTM.