Hey everybody! It's time for a kitten update. Yes I know, they're no longer kittens, but we still call them that, or kits for short. 😅 Yesterday we were having dinner at a restaurant and my husband says, what are we doing afterwards? I said, "Maybe we go home and finish up some chores?" He replies, "Yeah that sounds like a plan, that way we can let the kids out of their room." I said, "Don't say that so loudly, people might think we're keeping little kids locked up in a room all day." 😂 They're still a wild bunch so when we're not home we leave them in their kitten room. Old Living Room New windows (old couch). I mentioned we also had some changes in our living room. We recently had all of our windows replaced along with new window treatments. We upgraded to a bigger couch instead of this love seat that we had for 8 years. Much too small for all five of our cats. New Couch. Kits approved. We also b