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Showing posts with the label on the daily hoodie

Huge WMTM Sneaky Upload!

I don't usually write about WMTM unless there's a really good sale happening.  I don't know if you guys noticed but when I checked today there was a lot more stuff added to the sale since yesterday.  I ended up ordering a bunch of things.  Very very bad... so here are my picks from the sale.  It's a top 10 if you will!  And a quick note, I own each and every one of these that I've listed below in one color or another. Yogi Everyday Tank in Heathered Cape Red I have about 3 of these Yogi Tanks and love them.  For someone who is petite, these aren't cut too low in the front.  Perfect! What The Sport Tee I have this tee in about 3 colors as well.  I am actually liking them more than my Swiftly short sleeves.  I'm debating on selling the ones I have to get more of these! As of now only small sizes are left, but they run big.  So you can size down in this.   On The Daily Hoodie in Heathered Peacock Blue So this is ve...

Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve Crew in Heathered Raspberry and Heathered Peacock

From left to right, heathered peacock, heathered tender violet, heathered raspberry Yesterday my two new Swiftly Short Sleeves arrived!  I was worried the raspberry would be too similar to tender violet, but they are different enough that I am willing to keep both.  Heathered peacock is definitely more green than I usually like, but once I tried it on, I really like how it looked on me so it's also going to be a keeper.  I'm very pleased!   And for those who asked to see some outfits, here are examples of how I dress on the weekends for errands and shopping.  I really love that I can layer my Down For A Run Vest over my On The Daily Hoodie. Vinyasa Scarf, On The Daily Hoodie, Down For A Run Vest, herringbone Wunder Under Tights Jcrew Infinity Scarf, Jcrew Vintage Tee, Cozy Up Buttercup Jacket, Carbon38 Polonium Leggings, Frye Valerie boots. I really love the Polonium Leggings.  I know they are pricey, but so worth it.  Rig...