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Showing posts with the label bundle up ur bunsie onsie

USA / Canada Upload!! December 15th 2015

Tonight's upload has lots of new products but not so much that I would shell out my money for. This Lighten Up Bra is SUPER cute and I would like to try this.  Shown in Flashback Static Jewelled Magenta.  Sweet Savasana Pullover in Heathered Gray.  This also comes in Bordeaux Drama & Black.  A very pretty Runderful 1/2 Zip in Berry Rumble. Karmic Cocoon Wrap in Bordeaux Drama for a painful price of $198.  Also comes in Heathered Black. Hustle In Your Bustle Jacket in Space Dye Tender Violet.  I love the color but not the peplum style. We got the Run Speed Shorts in Static Mist.  I might get it if it makes its way to WMTM. I've been eyeing this for weeks!  Totally getting this awesome Vinyasa Scarf in Flashback Static Tender Violet.  I just hope the fleece isn't too thick. Vinyasa Scarf with a Zip in Tonka Stripe Slate Black.  I like how it looks but I'm unsure about the zipper.  Bundle Up Ur Bundas Onsie Not sur