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Showing posts with the label beyond the studio jacket

1000th Post Giveaway & Guest Review- Beyond The Studio Jacket, Align Crop 23 in Diamond Dye Graphite Gray Pink Pastel

I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend and enjoying the extra day off if you're in the States. I've reached my 1000th blog post and I'm giving away a $100 Lululemon gift card to one lucky reader.  I wish I could give away $1000 but I'm not made of that kind of money. 😂 At least not yet! All I ask is for you to follow me on Instagram and comment on my 1000th blog post . You can unfollow me after the winner is announced. This is so I can send a direct message to the winner. That's all you have to do! I'm going to close it out on Monday the 14th and will contact the winner on Tuesday. Good luck! Thank you for sticking around and visiting my blog. 😊 Now onto a Guest Review from Andrea!  " The Align Crop 23” in Diamond Dye Graphite Grey Pink Pastel fits big overall, and the hem is loose on me.  Looks like I need to go down at least one size, which I never did for my Align Crops 21” or my only pair of Align Pant 25”. I’m placing ...