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Showing posts with the label home chef review

Cooking Review- We Tried Home Chef

We’ve tried HelloFresh  and Sunbasket  and now it’s time to talk Home Chef. Of all the meal kit services, Home Chef seems to be doing the largest marketing blitz, including having sample meals available for pickup at Kroger grocery stores here in the south. Which makes sense since Home Chef was purchased by Kroger a few years ago. The summary? We didn’t like Home Chef compared to HelloFresh or Sunbasket. So what didn’t I like about Home Chef? First and foremost, the amount of vegetables they included in each meal. You know the joke meme of spinach before cooking and after cooking where a huge pile of spinach cooks down to nearly nothing?  Meme - Spinach Before and After Imagine being given an amount of uncooked spinach that looks to be the amount of cooked spinach in that meme. Thankfully I had some additional spinach on hand but even then, it still wasn’t enough to count as a serving of vegetables. The vegetables were more like a garnish. Photo of the bag of spinach we r...