I'm posting this tonight, since tomorrow will be a super busy day for me. I'm waking up at the crack of dawn so I can get my butt to the Atlanta Warehouse sale that starts at 8am. Then I'm heading straight to the airport to go to New Orleans for 4 days! It'll be my first time going to NOLA and I'm super excited. So today I didn't find too much at the store to try on, so kinda disappointing post here. But I tried on two tanks. I love the Yogi Everyday Tank so I couldn't help but try it on in Boom Juice. Yogi Everyday Tank in Heathered Boom Juice Size 4 I definitely liked it, but I didn't love it? If I had unlimited funds I totally would! But considering I'm heading to a warehouse sale tomorrow, I have to hold back. I've been eyeing this Swiftly tank for a couple of weeks now, and finally decided to try it on. The color is super pretty and looks great, I'm just unsure about the print. Any opinions? Swiftly Racer...