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Showing posts with the label 24/7 Classic Contour Plunge Bra

ThirdLove Review & How Many Bras Should You Own?

First off, Happy Valentine's Day! Also Happy Friday! I know this post isn't my normal fit review Friday, but I do hope you enjoy this review of ThirdLove. When I wrote about KonMari-ing my closet , there was one photo where my drawer contained only two bras. Yes that's right, two bras! I got rid of all of my bras and had to start over. So what changed? Lately my bands have been feeling very tight and I decided I needed to get a bigger band, which meant I had to look for new bras. I used to buy bras from Victoria's Secret and stocked up on a ton, thinking I would stay that size forever. Lesson learned there! Do not hoard bras. I decided after reading an article on ThirdLove  I would give them a try since they offer free shipping and returns over $50.  This bra company guarantees the fit and customer satisfaction. Their return/exchange policy is seriously the best I have come across in a long time. If the bra arrives and it doesn't fit, the exchange is ...