Hi everyone! This post is written by my husband. When friends of ours heard about us doing HelloFresh, we were advised to give Sunbasket a shot. Upon first glance, while the meals come in at a higher price point than HelloFresh, Sunbasket offers more fish and vegetarian options than HelloFresh as well as gluten free friendly options. Additionally, Sunbasket gives you a little bit more control over the pricing. Whereas HelloFresh originally (more on why I’m using that term later) offered X amount of meals at a relatively fixed price point, Sunbasket charges different amounts based on the meal. For example, a meal based around chicken costs less than a meal that focuses on fish. One week, you can slightly splurge but then the next week, if the menu permits, you can scale back and save some money. It gives the customer a more varied sense of control rather than a flat price. Now the reason I added “originally” in describing HelloFresh’s pricing structure is that HelloFresh has adapt...