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Showing posts with the label knit me up beanie

Upload! September 3rd 2019

Happy September everyone! I took a break from the blog to enjoy the long weekend. I'm also happy to report my shopping ban is officially over. I haven't bought anything yet, but I will be compiling my wish list and will take my time deciding what I want to order first. I really feel like this shopping ban has reset my spending habits. I don't feel the itch to buy something, which is how I feel normally feel on a regular basis. So what does everyone think about the dusk floral print? I kinda like it and kinda don't. Sometimes it looks like a bunch of soot, but other times it looks like a really nice fall print. Did you order anything? What have you been spending your money on lately? Wunder Under Crop Roll Down Scallop Luxtreme Mini Dusk Floral Antique Bark All Tied Up Tank Frosted Mulberry Free To Be Tank Everlux Brushed Spray Dye Lunar Purple Intergalactic Free To Be Wild Bra Mini Dusk Floral Antique Bark (I kinda want this too.) Summit Str...