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Showing posts with the label violetta kimono

Fit Review Friday! Swiftly Racerback, Speed Shorts, High Times Pant & Anthropologie Surprise!

The Lululemon near me really needs to get more product in.  I was hoping to try on Run With The Sun Crop but none in my size.   They still do not have any of the new Define Jackets from the last few weeks.  Hash tag Firstworldproblems! So instead I tried on the new Speed Short in pop cut fatigue and the Swiftly Racerback in heathered desert olive.  The tank totally washed me out.  I thought it was too plain looking on me.  I took my usual size 4 in both pieces. Swiftly Racerback in Heathered Desert Olive and Speed Short in Pop Cut Fatigue  I liked the Speed Short a little more but not enough to pick it up either.  I want something that totally screams "OMG you have to BUY THIS!" I've also been eying the High Times Pant in space dye camo seal grey.  I have a pair in heathered bordeaux that I constantly wear all the time.  I was hoping I would feel the same about this pair, but I just can't get over how the ...