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Showing posts with the label micro bag

Coach Review! Troupe Tote 16 Micro Bag

Hi everyone! I went to Lululemon this weekend so I'll have a nice fit review Friday coming up at the end of the week! Today's post will focus on micro bags. They are very on trend at the moment and have been for a while. It seems like they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.  For this post, I'm reviewing  Troupe Tote 16 by Coach in deep red. It's currently 50% off!  Troupe Tote 16 This is the first micro bag I've used. It's also a bag from  Rent The Runway . I love getting to try out bags without having to buy them, thanks to my sister's account! If you're interested in trying  Rent The Runway  my sister has a referral code-  RTRFAM11D1780.   This code is $200 off your first two months of Unlimited ($100 off each month). Do you ever wonder what really fits into micro bags? These tiny bags only fit your essential, every day items. For me it fits my keys, my three card cases and my iPhone X. I can also squeeze in my i...