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Showing posts with the label swiftly breathe crop tank

Upload! August 25th 2020

A very underwhelming upload, but I do have the  Hotty Hot Short Hype Stripe Raceway Gray  in my cart. I'm not supposed to order anymore Lulu this month... sigh. I can't decide if they look too much like pajama shorts though. Thoughts? My Seawheeze order FINALLY came in. Looks like most of it will end up on Ebay. Pretty disappointed with my haul except for the Swiftly Racerback Tank. The Swiftly Short Sleeve is very tight on me in the size 4. The Mist Over Windbreaker is a bit too tight in the shoulders. It's a weird fit. The Pace Rival Crops aren't bad except I have to hem them if I want to keep them. I feel like that's always kind of sacrileges on a limited edition item though. 😆 I'll try and have a post up on Friday! Anything for you from this upload? Hotty Hot Short Hype Stripe Raceway Gray (Have these in my cart!) Swiftly Racerback Gray Sage Dark Olive Swiftly Breathe Crop Tank New York (I kinda like this too, I would get the NY or Bos...