For anyone who is on Instagram and who is also into any kind of fitness, there's a very good chance you've come across a hashtag for BBG. BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide and its creator is Kayla Itsines. When I discovered BBG, I was blown away by some of the transformation photos aka before and after shots of women who participated in this program. In as little as 12 weeks I saw some transformations that were unbelievable. In August 2016, I decided to try this BBG program for myself. To give a little background story on my fitness journey, I didn't actually start working out on a regular basis until April of 2012. I remember trying to do a push up and just collapsed on my way going down. I couldn't believe at how weak I was! I was on the floor, completely laying down on my stomach and laughing at myself. It was that moment that I made it a goal to get stronger and fitter. I was 31 years old at that time and getting into shape wasn't going to get any easier th...