Say what? Yes, we adopted another kitten almost two weeks ago. Ash & Simi got along well enough, but Ash seemed to terrorize her a lot. He's proven to be the tasmanian devil that never stops. Ever. Simi would get stressed after a while and would want to hide to get away from him. So we decided to get Ash a more suitable playmate. We welcomed Flash into our home. Who knew you an now adopt kittens at Lululemon? 😍 Ash & Flash Yes, we named him Flash after seeing him run so fast, all we saw was an orange blur. I will admit right now that my husband and I are geeks. We love all the superhero Marvel stuff. DC not so much. 😂 Ash & Flash are now best friends and that's all that really matters. Simi is much happier now. This is Nero who is very grumpy at the moment. Seriously, after I took this photo he yelled at me for waking him up from his nap. Nero hasn't been formally introduced to Ash & Flash yet. He has met Simi a few times now