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Showing posts with the label warehouse

Lululemon Warehouse Sale!

Just want to say to the person who stopped me to say "Hi!" and asked if I was the person behind this blog, thanks for doing that!  So much fun to meet real people and to put faces to names. So the warehouse sale was a total success. As in I was successful in spending way too much money.  I'm updating this post from my phone so I won't be able to make this too detailed.  First off I got there at 8:15am which was a bit later than I had hoped. When I went to the Boston one I got there around 7am.  Let me just say this warehouse sale was SO MUCH better than the Boston one I went to back in November?  Or was it October?  Anyway tons more sizes and selections. Stuff I actually really wanted.  Oops I went off on a tangent, like I was saying I got there at 8:15 and didn't get in until 10am!  Here is the line when I first walked in.  Then after we turned around the other side of the escalator I was greeted with this- ...