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Showing posts with the label thoughts

Thoughts on Activewear. Has the Craze Died Down?

I'm slowly going to be expanding what I cover on this blog. Why? I've spent about an hour looking at different websites and have not been finding anything interesting. Increasingly it feels that the activewear market is drying up. I find myself less interested in the Lululemon updates every Tuesday. Sure I'm happy they're producing more colors that I like, but the items themselves aren't tempting me. Athleta seems to be diversifying their line with items that could work within an office environment, which I'm actually pretty happy about, but there's not enough of that just yet. Hopefully they will add more items like the Stellar Blazer and Stellar Crop that I reviewed in a recent post. Some of the things that I'll be talking about in the future are my thoughts and results with Alexia Clarke's fitness routine. I may also do a post showing our finished kitchen and some other changes we're making to our condo. I'm thinking about diving...