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Showing posts with the label fast track duffle

USA / Canada Upload! February 28th 2017

Today marks the last day of Frugal February. Who is still with me? Normally this ban is long and torturous, but because of my new job, it went by fast. Easiest ban I've ever had. For tonight's upload I am interested in trying on a few items but will wait. Anything for you tonight? How did you do on your ban? Over the next few days I will write a more detailed post of my spending the past month and what's on my wish list! NTS Jacket  (I kinda like this jacket but I don't think it's worth $148.) NTS Jacket (What does NTS stand for anyway?) Wunder Under Hi-Rise Tight Chakra Jacquard V1 Black Henna Fast Track Duffle Midnight Navy Energy Bra Shibori Varsity Blue Wunder Under Pant Hi-Rise Shibori Magnum Black (I like this one best of all Shibori colors but I'm also over WUP Hi-Rise style) Wunder Under Pant Hi-Rise Shibori Varsiry Blue Out To Lunge Untight Tight Black Define Jacket Deep Rouge (I love this color but I...