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Showing posts with the label cats

Memory, all alone in the moonlight.

Hi all. Leslie's husband here with you for just five more posts (this one and the posts for next week). Firstly, thank you for all the kind and fun comments. Leslie has been reading them and she's grateful to everyone offering their condolences. She's also been telling me to read them and we're both glad you guys seem to be having fun with this temporary change in programming. It's been reassuring to her that you guys have been sticking around while she takes a short break. We've admittedly been busy today as we prep to head back home for the funeral. Leslie is currently writing the eulogy that she'll be giving and we spent the day doing errands, such as dropping off our latest addition to our family at Leslie's friend's place. Snoopy, our newest member is only 6 months old. We're still trying to figure out what Snoopy's personality is going to be given how young he is, but so far, he's super affectionate. He literally pets our fa...

Surprise! Meet Neko! Simi Turns One!

All alone in her cage. Hi my name is Neko. I am seven months old. I came from a litter of five but was the last one to be adopted. One by one I saw all my siblings finding their forever homes except for me. One day a hooman male came by to visit and saw me all by myself. A week later he came to visit along with his female hooman. They eventually adopted me and now I have four siblings again!  Neko, Ash, and Flash Neko, Simi, and Flash Simi so far still has reservations about Neko. She will hiss at her from time to time, when Neko gets too close. This picture basically sums their relationship up. I'm sure Simi will eventually come around. She initially behaved this way with Flash and now she likes him the best. Neko, Simi, and Flash (sad this came out blurry) This is Ash, he has hooded eyes and the aloof one who doesn't like to be petted unless none of the other kittens are around. Then he's like pet me! Love me!  This is N...

We Became a Four Cat Household

Say what? Yes, we adopted another kitten almost two weeks ago. Ash & Simi got along well enough, but Ash seemed to terrorize her a lot. He's proven to be the tasmanian devil that never stops. Ever. Simi would get stressed after a while and would want to hide to get away from him. So we decided to get Ash a more suitable playmate. We welcomed Flash into our home. Who knew you an now adopt kittens at Lululemon? 😍 Ash & Flash Yes, we named him Flash after seeing him run so fast, all we saw was an orange blur. I will admit right now that my husband and I are geeks. We love all the superhero Marvel stuff. DC not so much. 😂 Ash & Flash are now best friends and that's all that really matters. Simi is much happier now. This is Nero who is very grumpy at the moment. Seriously, after I took this photo he yelled at me for waking him up from his nap.  Nero hasn't been formally introduced to Ash & Flash yet. He has met Simi a few times now...