I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter. This is my 3rd time going and second time since they opened up the second park. I've read the books over and over again and now I'm re-watching the movies. If I ever move into a 4 bedroom house I would have a separate Harry Potter themed room. Seriously! We started off at Diagon Alley and worked our way through the rides first. We got there at 9 am and already the first ride we went on - Gringotts Bank was already an hour long wait. Also if you are carrying a bag, any kind of bag of any size they make you check it in to a locker which is a huge pain. Next time I'm definitely not going to bring a bag with me. The ride is a lot of fun and it's one of my favorite rides along with the Hogwarts castle ride. One of the best things to see there is the dragon that sits on top of Gringotts Bank. It spits fire every 20 minutes or so. It's also cool seeing it at different angles so I was around for a while to take the pho...