Years ago when Clarisonic became a big thing I was always curious but never pulled the trigger because of the cost. I was probably in my mid 20s when I first heard about it. I asked around what my friends thought and many were skeptical. One said their skin was too sensitive and thought they would break out if they used it. Another said they thought the brush was too harsh and would dry out their skin. Now that I'm in my mid 30s another friend said they bought one and loved it and said their skin felt cleaner for it. I decided to see if I could find one for under $150. There's quite a few different versions out there now. The Mia 1 is only $99 at Nordstrom , which is fairly inexpensive if you just want to give it a try. It also comes with a cleanser. I also had my eye on the Mia Fit because I liked that it comes with a base that you can place it in so it stands up right. The Mia 1 and Mia 2 do not have a base and it just lie...