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Showing posts with the label restore tunic

Upload! May 7th 2019

There's a couple of items in this upload I am interested in checking out. The Everyday Journey Hoodie and Delicate Day Tank have piqued my curiosity. I'm not sure I'll be placing an order anytime soon since I'm leaving for New York on Saturday. I'll be visiting family and friends that I haven't seen for six months. Did you place an order tonight? What would you like to see a review of? Leave me a comment below! Every Journey Hoodie Moonwalk (I am tempted to try this, since the fabric is Nulu.) Swiftly Speed Racerback Mandala Cyprus Delicate Day Tank Black Seek Simplicity Tank Powdered Mauve Mix & Mingle Tank Heathered Vapor Graceful Embrace Wrap Heathered Arctic Plum Define Jacket Cyprus Scuba Hoodie Cyprus Hooded Define Jacket Nulu Pink Bliss (I have been wearing this jacket a decent amount lately and love it. Would def purchase another, waiting for the right pattern/color.) Verdante Coat Lululemon ...