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Showing posts with the label sit in lotus sweater

Upload! November 29th 2018

Radiant Jacket Spanish Rose Happy Friday everyone! I know I normally do Fit Review Fridays but with the holiday double uploads every week I will be moving the reviews to Monday. I am loving these new colors for the Radiant Jacket . If they would fix the shallow pocket issue I think I would own 2 or 3 of them!  This upload is huge. Much bigger than Tuesday. I am interested in a couple of items but fear they won't be very petite friendly. Anything for you?  Radiant Jacket Heathered Purple Quartz Essential Tank Heathered Lazurite Sit In Lotus Sweater Heathered Cool Cocoa (I think this cool cocoa color is very pretty) Tied To You Sweater Misty Pink Forever Warm Pullover Heathered Vapor Rest Less Hoodie Violet Red (I love this color!) Runderful LS Heathered Misty Merlot Cover Your Tracks Jacket Midnight Navy Sit In Lotus Wrap Heathered Medium Gray (What do you guys think of this wrap? I like it when worn this way. Deba...

USA / Canada Upload! December 13th 2016

Not much happening in today's upload.  Nothing really sticks out to me and says "I must have this!"  So nothing for me today.  How about you? I was going to post about my new Werkshop crops and joggers but it's been super rainy and cloudy, so no sun for any photos.  Hopefully tomorrow! Define Jacket in Luon Suited Jacquard Ready To Rulu Pant in Running Luon Suited Jacquard Flow & Go Tight in Dark Carbon Fit Physique Bra in Hero Blue Sit in Lotus Sweater in Heathered Medium Gray High Times Pant in Line Up