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Showing posts with the label fleece be true hoodie

USA / Canada Upload! December 6th 2016

Sorry this is late but tonight the condo I live in had it's annual board meeting.  My husband and I decided to attend it. Nothing too exciting in tonight's upload.  But that's totally fine with me because Werkshop is going to release it's newest collection sometime this week and I'm absolutely head over heels in love with the new prints that I'm seeing so far on their Instagram !  I'll have to post about that as soon as I get some more details.  So nothing for me tonight, anything for you? Swiftly Racerback White/Black Swiftly SS White/Black Swiftly LS White/Black Fleece Be True Hoodie in Inkwell Sit in Lotus Wrap in Heathered Inkwell Scuba Hoodie IV Terry in Heathered Bordeaux Drama Wunder Under Pant Hi-Rise in Midnight Tulle (this is probably my favorite item from tonight's upload) Wunder Under Pant III Fullux Midnight Tulle Fleece Please Jogger in Inkwell Wunder Under Pant Hi-Rise Fullux in Ice Bre...