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Showing posts with the label pushing limits 7/8 tight

USA / Canada Upload! June 13th 2017

Now we're talking. Lots of pretty colors! It's about time. Loving the seascape Define Jacket and you KNOW I ordered the velvet dusk in Hotty Hot Shorts. I'm on the fence if I want to also order the galaxy gray Sculpt Tank. I've also got my eye on the super cute Go Lightly Backpack in jaded. What did you guys order? Anything tonight? Define Jacket Seascape Cool Racerback Razzle Cool Racerback Galaxy Gray Hotty Hot Short Velvet Dust (this color looks so good against dark colors like purples and navy MINE!) Final Lap Crop Summer Haze Multi (I like this, I just don't think I can pull it off) Hint of Sheer Cropped Tank White (Interesting, just wish the neckline wasn't so high) Sculpt Tank Galaxy Gray (This is currently in my cart... I may give in and order this) Pushing Limits Bra Black Currant Pushing Limits 7/8 Tight Jaded Pushing Limits Crop Dark Carbon Pushing Limits Crop Jaded Vinysas Scarf Hea...