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Showing posts with the label define jacket wing mesh

Lululemon Upload! December 12th 2017

I'm interested in a few things in this upload but I'm not sure if I'll pull the trigger and place an order. I'll sit on it for a little bit. I like the idea of luminosity foil- I'm always attracted to pieces that turn heads. It's not that I like the attention, I like things that are shiny and different like the  All That Shimmers Scarf , which would also make a nice luxe Christmas present. Did you order anything? I've been buying bags again. 😅 I do plan on posting on my newest acquisitions! Scuba Hoodie Light Cotton Fleece Floral Flock Floral Flock Pullover Black Cherry Tied To You Sweater Misty Pink Swiftly Tech SS Lilac Quartz Define Jacket Wing Mesh Midnight Navy Speed Up Tight Luminosity Foil Align Pant Area Ice Gray Train Times Pant Luminosity Foil (I might order these if they come in the crop version.) Tied To It 7/8 Tight Heathered Black Wunder Under Hi-Rise Tight Luminosity Foil Wunder...