Lululemon must have noticed I'm no longer purchasing as much workout gear lately, so now they're putting out some Lululemon Lab and office/commuter pieces on the website. I also haven't been to a store in months, however I totally acknowledge that I'm more of an online shopper than in person shopper. Did you order anything this week? Nothing for me. I have my eye on items from my wish list ! Nan Dress Naked (While this dress isn't my style, I can totally see my best friend wearing it.) Unity Drop Back Sweater Camo Green (This is one of those sweaters that made me wish I wore them. I just can't do any long sleeve pullovers.) High Lines Pullover Heathered Core Ultra Light Gray Swiftly Tech LS Smoky Blush (I do think that I totally want to get something in this color, but I wonder if it will wash me out?) Rain Rules Jacket Cassis Rain Seeker Jacket Black Scuba Hoodie Light Cotton Fleece Shibori Antique Bark (I kinda like