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Showing posts with the label reveal 1/2 zip aurora

Upload! Lunar New Year Jan 21, 2020

The Lunar New Year Upload is something my mom would LOVE. She's a huge fan of the red and gold combo. If red is your color, this upload has got everything covered. For me, I'm not a big fan of red, never have been, but I do admire it. I think I have a couple of red bags and that's about it.  Nothing for me this week. What do you think about the Lunar New Year collection? Swiftly Tech Racerback Dark Red Flow Y Bra Nulu Nightfall Blossom (I really like this print!) Reveal 1/2 Zip Aurora Larkspur Swiftly Tech SS Crew Dark Red Define Jacket Black/Gold Scuba 1/2 Zip Dark Red Love Crew Lunar Misty Mocha Emerald Long Sleeve Dark Red Scuba Hoodie Lunar Dark Red Define Jacket Dark Red Scuba Hoodie Ornamental Floral Wunder Under Hi-Rise Tight Ornamental Floral Align Pant Nightfall Blossom (I think this is gorgeous! I hope to purchase something in this print.) Align Pant Misty Mocha Speed Wunder T...