Hope everyone had a nice weekend and celebrated some love. If you're single there's nothing wrong with some self care and loving yourself! Sounds corny, but it's all truth. Take a bath, or take an extra long shower. That's always my #1 go to in self care. Do something for YOU. So, with that I have a review of Lululemon's updated face mask with ear loops. If you're interested in the original double strap version, you can check out my review . Let's take a look at the fabric and the inside of the face mask. The spacer fabric is thinner than the double strap version. They removed the seam down the middle of the mask and left just a bit of the nose piece. There's also a seam going across near the bottom of the mask for the jawline. Adjustable ear loops! Ear Loop Face Mask (Currently sold out, but I expect they will restock eventually.) Before I get into it, please excuse my quarantine haircut! My husband did the best he could but it needs some cleaning ...