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Upload! September 10th 2019

Huge upload today. Lots of commentary. I am loving the look of this outfit. I also love the fact they used an older lady to model it. It would look just as cool if they had a younger fit model like they normally would, but the fact that they used someone who looks old enough to be a senior really caught my attention. I am sold on this outfit. It looks amazing. I'm also really digging the  Roam Far Wool Coat , the mini dusk floral print in the  Scuba Hoodie  and  Hooded Define Jacket Nulu . The Lululemon Lab items are just so weird to me. I guess they're saying these items can be worn by both men and women, which is a cool idea but I'm not digging the models at all. Especially the guy with the long greasy hair. Anything for you? I'm personally holding on to my monies for the F&F Athleta  that hits in a few hours and the Coach event that starts on the 12th! She looks amazing! Retreat Yourself Pullover Heathered Rustic Clay (If I wore pullov...