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Showing posts with the label wander pant

USA/Canada Cyber Monday Upload! November 27th 2016

First I'd like to point out a couple of new items on WMTM that's worth noting.  I've been eyeing the darkest magenta Define Jacket ever since I tried it on at the store last month.  It's now on sale!  So tempting! Define Jacket $89 Like Nothing 7/8 Tight $98 As for the new stuff, I really like the new Vinyasa Scarf and Speed Shorts.  I might place a small order tonight.   Ebates is still 10% which is very nice.  I've been getting decent cash back from all the holiday shopping.   Fast and Free 7/8 Tight in Fairisle   Rest Less 1/4 Zip in Heathered Black Speed Tight V in Varigated Knit Heathered Black (I wish I still ran outside so I would have an excuse to buy these!) Wander Pant in Inkwell Speed Shorts in Fairisle   (really kind of want these) Wander Jacket in Nocturnal Teal Vinyasa Scarf Rulu in Running Luon Spray Jacquard Capri Black (mine!!) Align Pant in Dark Carbon Overa...