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Showing posts from December, 2019

Upload! December 31st 2019

Happy New Year everyone! This will be our last upload of the decade!! How will you be spending New Year's? We are keeping it low key and having dinner out and then coming home to spend it with our five furbabies. Maybe we will watch a movie at home.  For today's upload, I really like the Weekend Warrior Jacket . It looks like it would be perfect for the office. Would prefer it have a collar, but I always wear a scarf, so for me it's okay. These new  Align Crops look so pretty. Wishing everyone a happy and safe count down. Here's to 2020!!!!! Essential Tank Larkspur Free To Be Wild Bra Frozen Vista Alpine Love Crew Fade Washed Night Diver Ebb To Train Jacket Abstract Black Dark Chrome Weekend Warrior Jacket Heathered Black Dark Olive (I really like this, but so pricey.) Weekend Warrior Jacket Heathered Light Ivory Silver Ice (This is also very nice. Lately I'm drawn to off white colors.) Full Flourish Pullover Light...

Best of 2019! A Year In Review

I always like to end the year with a round up of my favorite purchases. 2019 was the year of wraps and On The Fly bottoms . I was obsessed. They were great for the office and on the weekend so I couldn't help myself to adding five pairs to my wardrobe. Every year, Aligns , Speed Up Shorts always top my list as my go to pieces for working out along with Sculpt Tanks and Essential Tanks so I won't cover those. Without any further ado, here is my top 2019 purchases in no particular order. I'll also link my review posts for each item for reference. Athleta Flurry Furry Jacket - kids version (This fit better for me than the adult version .) My Review Athleta Tugga Sherpa Jacket (Super warm and comfy!) My Review Scuba Hoodie Cashlu (Ended up buying night diver as well when it hit WMTM.) My Review Sundown Wrap (I loved this so much I bought it in black when it hit WMTM.) My Review Scuba Hoodie Plush (So comfy I want to pick up anot...

Athleta Semi Annual Sale is Here!

Happy Friday!  Athleta's semi-annual sale is here! If you're looking to snag a cozy jacket, now is the time. The Ritual Jacket is still available in most sizes. I have the kids version (love it), but it looks like it's sold out.  Looking for my usual Fit Review Friday? I will have more coming up next week. Hope you all have a great weekend! Ritual Jacket $99 Inclination Moto Shimmer Tight $74.99 Lofty Down Coat $159.99

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! It's just my husband and me with our five fur babies celebrating Christmas. Woke up to a Lululemon WMTM email. So of course I had to check it out. Here are my picks! I am picking up a few things from this sale. It's pretty good so check it out! Swiftly Relaxed Short Sleeve $29-$59 Morning Restore Hoodie $89 All Yours Zip Hoodie $89 Scuba Hoodie Cashlu $109 (My personal favorite and I'm getting another one!) Repeat Bomber $89 Hooded Define Jacket $69 Wunder Under Hi-Rise Tight $69 Align Pant Wrap Waist $79 On The Fly Crop Woven $39 (picking up an extra pair in black.) On The Fly Skirt Woven $19 Now and Always Tote $129 Now and Always Tote Mini $99 Now and Always Crossbody $69

My Christmas Wish List 2019

There's only three more sleeps until Christmas. Two if you're reading this on Monday morning. My question to you is what are you hoping for underneath your Christmas tree? There's not a whole lot of things that I really want and have to have, but if I'm dreaming I might as well go big or go home. There's nothing here that's completely insane, but I do love pretty things. To start my list off is this gorgeous Gucci bag. Small GG Marmont   (It's definitely pricey, and might as well dream.) Cartier Pink Diamond Sapphire Ring  (So pretty! I'm not big on jewelry, but this is gorgeous.) Rothy's   (Made of merino wool. Enough said.) Coach Willis 18 (Super mini and super cute.) Gucci Small Marmont Camera Bag (I'm not that picky, I'll take either one!) J.Crew Open Sweater Blazer in Cashmere  (I have this in merino wool. This version must be heavenly.) Hermes Scarf (I love these colors together.) ...