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Showing posts with the label define jacket garment dye

Upload! December 11th 2018

I finally got my order that I placed over  a week ago, and this morning I placed another huge order so I should definitely have some good reviews coming up! Nothing for me from tonight's upload. I do think the Align Crops are great in this monochromic black but will refrain from buying another pair of Aligns. Did you get anything? Align Crop Black Emboss Swiftly Tech Racerback Carbon Blue Sculpt Tank Carbon Blue Sumu-Su Dress Deep Coal Heii Tank Lululemon Lab (I find the logo interesting) Swiftly Wool 1/2 Zip Hoodie Dark Adobe Soft Shine Sweater Black Steel Gray Ethereal Long Sleeve Gatsby Blue Back To Me Tee Misty Merlot (But $78? 😲) Down For It Vest Midnight Navy (Is it just me or does this look purple?) Chill Going Strong Jacket Midnight Navy Scuba Hoodie Heathered Illuminight Define Jacket Garment Dye Washed Luna Hoodies Define Jacket Spanish Rose (I kinda like this!) Scuba Hoodie Classic Cotton...