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Showing posts with the label sunsetting short

Upload! July 17th 2018

This was a pretty interesting upload. They are already offering down items for winter. Even though it's a sweltering 90+ in Atlanta, I still want this down jacket in mauve stone. I think it looks sooooo pretty. But why is it $200? Ouch. If anyone knows how it runs let me know. Can't decide if I should try a 2 or a 4. I also have the Sculpt Tank in my cart in rose blush. Did you order anything? Or is everyone saving their money for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale? I just got my giant Athleta order and kinda love it all! I'll have reviews up next week. Pack It Down Jacket Mauve Stone (This is so pretty and I want it! Why is it so expensive!) Restore & Revitalize Dress Black (I bet this dress is longer than I am tall!) Sculpt Tank Rose Blush (still no dark purple, but I kinda want this too) Free To Be Zen Bra Eton Blue Well Being Sweater Heathered Lavender Gray Every Moment Crew Vintage Quartz Swiftly Tech LS Moss Rose (this co...