Happy Friday! We made it to the end of another week and the beginning of a new month. Can you guys believe it's already April? I just can't. I am looking forward to getting my first dose of Pfizer next week. I'm gonna wait 10 days and then I'm getting a haircut!!! I need one soooo bad. I'm sure my hair stylist is going to be like "WTH happened to your HAIR, girl?!" Which I will reply, "Long story! Let's just skip it." 😆 Today I have an awesome Athleta review. This is part one and I should have part two posted next week. For reference I'm 4 feet 11 inches tall and typically a size 0 or 0P in Athleta bottoms. I'm also a size 4 in Lululemon bottoms. Camo Farallon Jogger Size 0Petite Honestly, I have been eyeing these Camo Farallon Joggers for ages. I think I've been wanting to try them for over a year but just kept putting it off because of the price point and I don't usually like camo. But for some reason, the camo in this pa...