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Showing posts with the label scuba hoodie light cotton fleece

Fit Review! All Yours Crew Sandwash & Scuba Hoodie Heathered Violet Verbena

Hope you all had a nice weekend! Pretty excited for today's post. I ordered the All Yours Crew Sandwash in iron blue. If you're a fan of the Soft Ambitions line, you'll love this one too.  For reference I'm 4 feet 11 inches tall and typically a size 4 in Lululemon tops.  Before I get into it, I purchased my normal size 4 and a size 6 in case I preferred the oversized look. You'll see a lot of photos that look like I'm repeating it twice, but it's to show the size difference.  All Yours Crew Sandwash Iron Blue Size 4 There are two ways to wear this sweatshirt. You can have it folded in and pulled up a little bit, or have it pulled down to cover your bum. I actually prefer to wear this the first way with it pulled up and I'll tell you why. In my normal size 4, the band hits my upper thigh and it is a little tight, not super tight but it's a similar feel as if you had a light resistance band around your upper thigh. This might not be so much of an issu...

Fit Review Friday! Cool Racerback II Nulu Diamond Dye Graphite Gray Pink Pastel & Scuba Hoodie Heathered Cherry Tint

Happy Friday! We made it another week! If you missed it I posted a really good WMTM update  earlier today. Lots of good sales and I picked up a couple of tops I've been eyeing for a while. I hope I like them! Let's get to the fit review. For reference I'm 4 feet 11 and typically a size 4 in Lululemon tops, but today I'm actually wearing size 6 in both items!! I guess I'm still a growing girl? 😆 Scuba Hoodie Heathered Cherry Tint Size 6 (Currently sold out but very similar in Brier Rose on sale now.) My main pet peeve about Scuba Hoodies have always been how tight the sleeve cuffs are and lately the size 4 has been too tight across the shoulders and back for me. This may be because I'm lifting more and my shoulders are getting wider- which I've mentioned recently. I decided I would try a size 6 just to see if I could make it work on my petite frame.  It's definitely not fitted at all in the body, but it looks comfortabl...

Store Try Ons! Fit Review Friday Love Crew Fade Tee, Align Crop, Scuba Hoodie, Essential Tank, Run Times Short, Uplift Training Gloves

Happy Friday everyone! Good news and bad news. This post is very image heavy with lots of store try on pics. I will try and do a mini review for each item to keep this as short and sweet as possible. The store I went to today did not have any of the new items uploaded on Tuesday except for the Love Crew Fade short sleeve tee. 😑 I was pretty disappointed about that. Looks like I'll have to put in an order.  For reference I'm 4 feet 11 inches tall and typically a size 4 in Lululemon tops and bottoms.  Love Crew Fade  Size 4 First up, we have the Love Crew Fade tee in washed french clay. I tried on both the size 2 and the 4 to see. The size 2 fit every where except for the shoulders. It was indeed a bit too tight as Andrea commented in my previous post. The size 4 was definitely better fitting in the shoulders but was too long and too big everywhere else. This tee is also very thin and clings in weird places as you can see from the top photo and my...