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Showing posts with the label streamline

Review! APL Streamline Running Shoe White Cherry Blossom

  My fitness journey is always evolving. I'm the type of person that needs variation to keep my workouts interesting. Six months ago I signed up for the Peloton app that's $12.99 a month to include running/hiking and yoga workouts into my routine. Before Peloton, I was only doing weights with Alexia Clarke and Supernatural for cardio, but I was lacking stretching/yoga and running workouts. Running is fairly similar to Supernatural but the main difference is the lack of incline which I noticed was impacting my VO2 max score according to Apple fitness. My V02 max measurement was on the decline for a year now, but I'm finally turning it back around! With the new running routine in place I decided I needed to get some serious running shoes. This is where APL comes in. For reference I wear size 5.5 in Allbirds and I'm also wear size 5.5 in APLs. Streamline White Cherry Blossom  Size 5.5 Before I start with the APL review, I would like to say that while I love my Allbirds and...