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Showing posts with the label outfits

Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve Crew in Heathered Raspberry and Heathered Peacock

From left to right, heathered peacock, heathered tender violet, heathered raspberry Yesterday my two new Swiftly Short Sleeves arrived!  I was worried the raspberry would be too similar to tender violet, but they are different enough that I am willing to keep both.  Heathered peacock is definitely more green than I usually like, but once I tried it on, I really like how it looked on me so it's also going to be a keeper.  I'm very pleased!   And for those who asked to see some outfits, here are examples of how I dress on the weekends for errands and shopping.  I really love that I can layer my Down For A Run Vest over my On The Daily Hoodie. Vinyasa Scarf, On The Daily Hoodie, Down For A Run Vest, herringbone Wunder Under Tights Jcrew Infinity Scarf, Jcrew Vintage Tee, Cozy Up Buttercup Jacket, Carbon38 Polonium Leggings, Frye Valerie boots. I really love the Polonium Leggings.  I know they are pricey, but so worth it.  Rig...

My workout routine and outfits!

Back in 2012 when I first started to seriously get into shape again I could not do one single push up.  I remember vividly to this day how I got into the plank position, bent my elbows and the next thing I knew I face planted to the floor.  I could not believe how weak I was! Now I don't actually go to the gym.  I used to sign up every year for NY Sports Club and never really went.  I prefer doing most of my workouts in my bedroom or living room.  I started using 5 lb dumb bells and gradually worked myself up to 15 lbs.  I've got a decent collection of kettlebells.  They range from 15 lbs to 30 lbs.  This year I'm going to master using the 25 lb kettlebell. my weight collection My 25 lb KB  February 2015 is when I looked my fittest ever.  Now, I laugh and say presently I'm fatter, but I'm stronger.  I'm definitely not as lean as I was and could be.  A lot of it is eating smaller portions and eating clean, which ...