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Showing posts with the label warm on the way jacket

Lululemon Upload! October 17th 2017

Lots of goodies uploaded today! I also finally received my 20% off coupon. I'll be placing an order tonight. What do you think of the APL Phanton Shoes? I'm curious enough that I'll place an order for a review. I do not think I'll keep them unless they totally blow me away. Did you order anything tonight? Techloom Phantom Shoe Black/White Wunder Under Hi-Rise Tight Frozen Flourish Warm On The Way Jacket Black Warm For Winter Jacket Mach Blue Free To Be Zen Bra Frozen Flourish (puh-lease can we get this in FTBW?) Techloom Phantom Shoe Glow In The Dark (getting these just to see how well they glow!) Extra Mile Short Sleeve Heathered Dark Olive (I kinda like this style and the color.) Scuba Hoodie Psychic Swiftly LS Midnight Navy Psychic Cut Above Hoodie Heathered Inkwell To The Point LS Black Cherry (I kind of like this too, would be a cute look to wear with leggings and some boots) Techloom Phantom S...