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Showing posts with the label all yours crew

Upload! April 21st 2020

Lots of monarch orange today. I'm not a huge fan of orange. Being asian, I already have yellow based skin and the orange and the yellow just doesn't look very appealing... But I do love orange creamsicles and that's what this color reminds me of. Nothing for me from this upload! How about you? Swiftly Tech SS Monarch Orange Swiftly Tech LS Monarch Orange Wunder Train Hi-Rise Tight Brick All Yours Crew Monarch Orange All Yours Hoodie Monarch Orange Catch A Breath Zip Hoodie Ivory Peach (I also like this color, but not for me.) Perfectly Oversized Crew Chianti Hooded Define Jacket Chianti Fast & Free Tight Chianti Align Pant Diamond Dye Pink Bliss Purple (Anyone else notice Lulu is getting lazy about photographing their tights? They literally used the same pose and just photoshopped the lengths. LOL.)   Align Pant 25" Diamond Dye Pink Bliss Align Crop Diamond Dye Pink Bliss Purple

Upload! September 10th 2019

Huge upload today. Lots of commentary. I am loving the look of this outfit. I also love the fact they used an older lady to model it. It would look just as cool if they had a younger fit model like they normally would, but the fact that they used someone who looks old enough to be a senior really caught my attention. I am sold on this outfit. It looks amazing. I'm also really digging the  Roam Far Wool Coat , the mini dusk floral print in the  Scuba Hoodie  and  Hooded Define Jacket Nulu . The Lululemon Lab items are just so weird to me. I guess they're saying these items can be worn by both men and women, which is a cool idea but I'm not digging the models at all. Especially the guy with the long greasy hair. Anything for you? I'm personally holding on to my monies for the F&F Athleta  that hits in a few hours and the Coach event that starts on the 12th! She looks amazing! Retreat Yourself Pullover Heathered Rustic Clay (If I wore pullov...