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Showing posts with the label grandma's cooking

New York Visit

I've been back in New York for a week already. How quickly time flies! So far, I'm still keeping up with my daily workouts. Although today, I'm supposed to do arms, but I'm still super sore from my leg day workout that I did on Monday.  I'm thinking I'll do my arm workout tomorrow and count LISS as today. For those of you who don't know, I'm following the BBG program which I'll post a review in about three more weeks. I'm staying with my parents and I actually have some workout equipment there. I'm borrowing my sister's 8 lb dumb bells and I have an 18 lb kettlebell that I left behind.  This photo was taken after leg day. Lots of core exercises. (BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide, which a lot of people find offensive so the new name is Sweat With Kayla which is much better.  LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State cardio.) When I'm back in New York, one of the first things I do is visit my hair stylist. I...