Everyone who knows me knows I love handbags. In celebration of National Handbag Day I came up with a list of top 10 handbags that I absolutely love. This is just a fun post I came up with last night when I couldn't sleep because of my awful allergies. Givenchy Pandora Medium in Anthracite The first time I saw Wendy post this photo of her Givenchy Pandora Bag I was instantly in love. But I've come to the conclusion that this sized in particular is the large size and would dwarf my petite frame. I do acknowledge that Wendy herself is only a couple of inches taller than me, but she can somehow pull it off. I just know that I wouldn't be able pull it off as easily as she does. So, if I ever win the lotto anytime soon, I would get the smaller version of this bag. Actually, if I ever win the lotto I would just buy all of the bags on this list! Givenchy Small Pandora in Anthracite I've been dying to try the new Balenciaga Small City size and would real