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Showing posts with the label LA back in action crew

Upload! June 23rd 2020

Summer has officially arrived! Not that it really matters unfortunately. The cases have been going up steadily in Georgia. I don't think things are going to change from my end. My guess is we will be working from home for the remainder of the year. The company I work for sent out an email last week that all of the holiday celebrations will be cancelled for the rest of the year. I'm not that surprised I guess. But we are very sad that things won't be going back to normal anytime soon even though everything is officially open again! How is everyone doing in this new normal? As for today's upload, I am only really interested in  Choose A Side Short  in the cherry tint/cassis color and I really think the new  Swiftly Relaxed SS Dapple Dot Slate  looks super cute. Make sure you check out the close up photo with the colorful dots. What do you think of today's upload? Let me know if you bought anything! Find Your Pace Tank Blue Cast Swiftly Relaxed SS Dapple ...