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Showing posts with the label sale

Sephora VIB Sale!

I always look forward to this once a year.  The 20% off coupon is pretty decent.  For those who don't know VIB status is met when you purchase $350 worth in one calendar year at Sephora .  Rouge status is $1000 a year.  I never come close to that at all.  This year I barely made my VIB status for next year. Code is 20VIB My order was fairly big because I needed to spend a little over $100 to keep my VIB status.  And, this only happens once a year.  I've been eyeing the Guerlain Radiance Booster for a while now.  I think I saw it earlier this year and really wanted to try this.  I'm also a big fan of bar soap, which I know a lot of people don't use anymore.  According to some article I read, millennials see bar soap as something that holds a lot of bacteria.  I've been using bar soap all my life and I almost never get sick.          I'm one of the healthiest people I know.  I always say, a little bit of dirt is good for you, haha.   Fresh has some

Lululemon Warehouse Sale!

Just want to say to the person who stopped me to say "Hi!" and asked if I was the person behind this blog, thanks for doing that!  So much fun to meet real people and to put faces to names. So the warehouse sale was a total success. As in I was successful in spending way too much money.  I'm updating this post from my phone so I won't be able to make this too detailed.  First off I got there at 8:15am which was a bit later than I had hoped. When I went to the Boston one I got there around 7am.  Let me just say this warehouse sale was SO MUCH better than the Boston one I went to back in November?  Or was it October?  Anyway tons more sizes and selections. Stuff I actually really wanted.  Oops I went off on a tangent, like I was saying I got there at 8:15 and didn't get in until 10am!  Here is the line when I first walked in.  Then after we turned around the other side of the escalator I was greeted with this- Then we went th